How To Drive Traffic & Sales With Shopify Influencer Marketing

Do you want to learn how to drive traffic (and sales) with Shopify 100% organically without using any paid advertising, using only social media and influencer marketing?

In just 44 months, I drove £160,000 GBP in organic sales with this exact method.

In just 30 days you will learn everything you need to grow and scale your Shopify store without spending any money on paid advertising whatsoever.

But before I tell you exactly how I will help you learn and implement everything you need to drive traffic (and sales) with Shopify without using any paid advertising, let's make one thing absolutely clear...

This program is for those who want to build a brand and make Shopify their full-time income.

In 2020, we launched the WinsterCreations® brand on Shopify and scaled that store using this exact method to more than £46,000 GBP in the first year.

100% organic traffic through Instagram & Facebook.

We generated all of this traffic 100% organically through social media and amassed an enagaged following of more than 17.5K real followers on Instagram.

How did we do it?

We achieved this growth with a Brand Ambassador' program that enabled the WinsterCreations® brand to build a team of more than 100 Social Media Influencers who actively promote WinsterCreations® products to their audiences on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and YouTube — and this program still remains the number one way this brand continues to drive traffic and sales to this day.

It was simple, effective and fast.

With my help, you will learn how to build a Brand Ambassador program just like the one we built for WinsterCreations®, and many others, and learn how to use Influencer Marketing to drive engaged audiences to your store and grow your social media following 100% organically with ZERO paid advertising.

It's taken me years to learn all of this knowledge — but you can learn it all in the next 30 days

I've made every mistake you can imagine to get to this point.

I've spent thousands of pounds on paid advertising that I didn't have to and been through multiple failures before finding success, but you can avoid all of that.

All you need to do is to implement exactly what I will teach you over the next 30 days.

Be honest, are you really willing to waste thousands of pounds (or dollars) and put years into this before finding success?

No? — Didn't think so.

Just as I did, you will continue struggle for years without this knowledge, and yet it's exactly what I am going to teach you. Just imagine how far ahead of me you will be in years to come after learning everything that I already know how to do — in just 30 days.

And if you're already thinking that this just sounds like another "Youtuber" or "Guru" claiming to know the "secrets" — well, let me tell you something else.

There are no secrets — but you can just copy what I do

Imagine for a moment that you were given and shown the exact steps that I take on a day to day basis that have enabled me to achieve the results you see above and before you.

Imagine being shown an exact step-by-step process for each of the following...

  • How to build, launch and scale a Brand Ambassador program.
  • How to build a team of Social Media Influencers who will promote your brand to their audiences every single month.
  • How to leverage Influencer Marketing to drive engaged audiences.
  • How to grow your own social media following 100% organically.
  • How to optimize for conversion and increase your sell-through rates.

... picture yourself, right now, knowing exactly how to do everything on this list.

Do you really think that you would struggle to drive traffic (and sales) with Shopify 100% organically without using any paid advertising?

No? — Again, I didn't think so.

So, would you like to learn how to get these results — along with my personal ongoing mentorship and support?

Assuming the answer is yes, let's not waste anymore time. Enrol in my Shopify Influencer Marketing Coaching Program and schedule as many private 1-on-1 calls with me as you need — on-demand (at times which are convenient for you) and within the next 30 days you will learn everything you need to build, launch and scale successful Shopify stores.

You can be ready to start scaling your Shopify store in less than 30 days from now.

But what you're really getting isn't just the know how — you're getting control, you're gaining confidence in what you're actually doing, and most importantly you're finally going to gain the knowledge that has held you back up to this point.

In less than 30 days from now, you will know exactly how to build, launch and scale any Shopify store and leverage influencer marketing 100% organically without using any paid advertising whatsoever.

Anyone can do this, including you.

There are no confusing or difficult tasks. Just simple, easy to follow steps that anyone can understand and take daily — with me by your side, every single day for the next 30 days.

If I can do it, and other can do it — why can't you?

But, if you prefer to carry on failing or simply never start out of fear of losing money — I can't stop you.

Or... If you prefer to carry on wasting money with paid advertising because some "Youtuber" or "Guru" told you that's what he did, again — I can't stop you doing that either.

But... I can help you instead.

  • I can give you the knowledge that you lack.
  • I can give you the confidence you need.
  • I can give you control over the outcome.

These are the facts.

What you decide to do is entirely up to you. I know what I'd do given this opportunity when I first started many years ago.

So if you're fed up of getting no sales and losing money with paid advertising, like most do — let's not waste anymore time and get straight into it.

When you enrol you will have instant access to my personal call calendar. You can schedule as many private 1-on-1 calls with me as you need — on-demand (at times which are convenient for you) and within the next 30 days you will learn everything you need to build, launch and scale successful Shopify stores.

I will also be on hand 7 days a week, 365 days a year where you can reach out to me directly at anytime — for free.

So, what are you waiting for? Enrol today 👇

Let's get you started

So if you're fed up of getting no sales and losing money with paid advertising, like most do — let's not waste anymore time and get straight into it.

During the call, you'll discuss your needs and any questions you have. By the end of the conversation, you'll be able to decide whether or not to move forward with working with us.

Start Today

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