Shipping Rates for Dropshipping

Please wait until the pricing data appears. You can find all Package Size and Weight information in our price-list.

Shipping costs are not displayed on our shipping labels.

We will always fulfill your orders promptly but it's important to note that external factors such as the efficiency and reliability of shipping carriers like Royal Mail, Evri, or other providers may impact delivery times. Our normal handling time is just one business day.

If an order requires some form of personalisation please allow for an additional three business days.

Using your own your shipping labels

In most cases you will keep more profit per order when you purchase and send us your own shipping labels for your orders. You can purchase your own shipping labels on most platforms and effortlessly send them to us with your orders using both our Upload Orders or Send Order Information forms.

We don't charge a dropship-fee when you purchase your own labels.

Ship your orders with your preferred carrier

You are welcome to use any shipping carrier that you choose for both your domestic and/or international shipments. We typically recommend using either Royal Mail or EVRi for most shipments.

You can find all Package Size and Weight information in our price-list.

If you sell on Amazon?

IMPORTANT! Amazon requires all sellers to purchase shipping labels for domestic orders through Buy Shipping to maintain a VTR (Valid Tracking Rate) of 95% or more.

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